
Joined May 08, 2018

I am a human being and I am interested in human beings.

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replied 2048d
Great news. This is a great way to start the second half of 2019.
2117d · Bitcoin SV
A little update about the Hotwire PE ASIC pdf shares.

Hi there fellas, I did a little more research after work and I realized that it's perfectly fine to share the links that they (the ASIC office) have sent me (refer to: https://asic.gov.au/about-asic/dealing-with-asic/using-our-website/copyright-and-linking-to-our-websites/)

So take a look https://post.asic.gov.au/CustomerDropBoxR1/corresp?f=2d3437373339323038383.pdf&e=20190817&i=ASC0V22rH3G6E6wZ2oUlaAeDcdMTe1xIqtUSxqadRN1dHX0=


I bought that link for $57 + change, and I heartily thank everyone who donated. I am going to buy more links and hopefully write an article.

I just want to make sure everyone understands. It's totally okay and aboveboard to read the pdfs. It's totally not okay to sell them (like I tried to do before I realized my error) and it'...
2118d · Bitcoin SV
Hey, PsSssT! Would you like to read the Australian Securities and Invesments Commissions Report on Hotwire Preemptive, a company CSW operated between 2013 and 2018?
Hey, PsSssT! Would you like to read the Australian Securities and Invesments Commissions Report on Hotwire Preemptive, a company CSW operated between 2013 and 2018?
2120d · Bitcoin SV
I am so glad that lightrider hates BSV. Eventually his coins will run out of unspent BSV outputs and he will continue his shitposts on memo.cash only. Thank god! This is one of the very very few positives of the split.
replied 2121d
Hi there, please consider the opposing point of view before coming to conclusions. CSW has claimed (before this signing) that this list of addresses is fake.
replied 2121d
here you go: https://www.scribd.com/document/372445141/Exhibit-11
I cannot guarantee this document is the original court documents.
replied 2121d
we are going to get rememos eventually right?
2121d · Yoonski
Tonight is a very depressing night. Nothing seems to be going my way. I was stressed out before dinner, but now I am even more stressed out and sleepless. arggh
replied 2127d
Very cool.

Found this information after a reverse image search. (https://www.neatorama.com/2008/08/09/lila-jangs-wall-climbing-sofa/)

Lila Jang's Wall-Climbing Sofa
Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 1:05 PM

"This wall-climbing sofa by Lila Jang is the perfect for that odd corner of the house where no other furniture fits :) It's part of the 2007 contemporary art exhibition Parcours Saint Germain (http://www.parcoursaintgermain.com/) in Paris - via basic_sounds" (http://basic_sounds.blogspot.com/)
replied 2133d
Oh wow. That is not very confidence inspiring.

Is this something perhaps only for a few bank locations? If the limit is imposed on every postal bank in France, wouldn't it just add fuel to the Yellow Vest popular anger?
Also, isn't there some constitutional crisis this creates? It seems strange that the government can ask for "proof of expenditure".
replied 2134d
I chuckled.
replied 2135d
Amen brother, there is either a deep lack of understanding of the real issues (structural issues with justice and liberty in our world) or a refusal to face the music of harsh reality.
replied 2140d
Beautiful! Nice job on the paintwork.

Also love your website 100% throwback to the 90s.
replied 2140d
Why are you leaving memo?
replied 2144d
Check this out too.
replied 2144d
I found a channel you might like. You might know already but here it is.

We are both critical of capitalism, and I think you might enjoy.
In order to make alliances, it is necessary to give concessions to others so that the network can be appealing to more people. Having solved the Byzantine General's problem does not make building alliances obsolete. In fact, it is much easier to provide concessions because the expectation of reciprocation that much more likely.
replied 2147d
Hi! Thanks for the link, I haven't been on yours in a while. It's actually cleaned itself up a bit since I last remember.

While I totally see what you mean (CSW being kicked off Twitter is actually good, Being delisted is actually good, etc), I do think reorgs being a feature is consistent with what BSV has been saying all along.

Consider the following. These are things BSV has been saying all along.

1. propagation and orphan blocks are not a problem - they incentivize miners to compete and invest in the network.
2. no double spends occurred () and only miners were affected.
3. we know from stress tests in the pre-hash war days that every mining pool had differential capacity to handle big blocks.

The alternative seems to be top-down blocksize maximums and small block subsidies.
2147d · Fruit News
I am not in the industry, but this is cool. I have been buying a lot of https://cutiescitrus.com recently. Easy to peel, cheap, and a nice balance between pulpy and sweet. Other brands have (so far) not been as satisfactory.
2148d · Yoonski

Just watched this video. Quite funny. Very very interesting conversation overall.
replied 2151d
Wow. I can't believe it has been one year already. Lot of things happened in the last year: both personally and financially. The world of Bitcoin is as interesting as ever. Memo is by far my favorite and most frequent method of spending bitcoins.
replied 2157d
I think it's reasonable to want truly insane people to be punished differently than sane people. Because law is not just punishment. It' s punishment aimed to both deter others from crime and rehabilitate the criminal. Insane people have different rehabilitation needs and their harsh punishment would not deter the insane from doing criminal acts, because they are, well, insane. A demented grandpa pulling a rifle shot into his wife because he thought he was back in the wars, and a husband murdering his wife to get revenge, for example, are good cases of the insanity defense being used as they should.

There are people who try to use that concept to get out of punishment. That has been true from the beginning of its use in modern law. Then again, it's the application of the law not the law itself that is evil. Corruption is already outlawed, I do not think outlawing the insanity defense is a good idea.
2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
Who rules this dungeon?
replied 2163d
Good for you, what genre?