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saved 199d
Imagine offloading your due diligence responsibility to a boomer in a wig. NGMI
saved 199d
Even with this incredible news, BTC can't even rally a couple dollars higher? Yikes.
saved 199d
saved 199d
This is what it was always about. Long live Bitcoin. 👍
saved 203d
To your credit, you're one of the few that doesn't typically post about price movements, or imply that HODLing is a route to success, but I guess no one is perfect. I think the main point I'm trying to make is that we can't all just sit around making memes and waiting for others to pump our bags. We have to actually build an economy one user at a time. If BSV hits $1,000,000 per token but we still can't buy gas or groceries without fiat, I will consider that a complete and utter failure.
saved 203d
Not true at all. That's one of my biggest pet peeves with most BSVers… they never shut up about fiat exchange rates, price predictions, and wondering when Caal, Creg, or Ordinals converts will pump their bags. It's much healthier to assume there will never be any pumps or off ramps, and proceed accordingly. We don't need the fiat price to move a single penny in order to start adding more value to each other.
saved 203d
I'm saying we need a park for Bitcoiners that could compete with places like Yosemite. There could be an amphitheater, campgrounds, activities, vendors, and we could even burn a giant wooden frog once a year. I'm partially kidding obviously, but I do think something similar will eventually be in high demand. I'm in Texas, so I don't think any sequoias are going to be growing down here.
saved 203d
So you're saying we're not in control of our own destiny?
BSV's success somehow depends on microblockers in the ordinals community? If you're that unsure about big block bitcoin, it sounds like you should probably just cut your losses, pack it up, and sell me your user number then. 🤷‍♂️
If you were posting this meme to make fun of people that are waiting on Craig to save them, I'd be in total agreement with that. That's a retarded way to go through life... waiting around for others to save us.
saved 203d
Surely you must have something besides memes to offer in exchange for Bitcoin? Maybe you could offer photoshop services or advice? What kind of work do you do in real life? Do you collect anything besides twonks? What's the point of having a bunch of twonks sit in a wallet? Just to flip them later? That's basically what I bought mine for, but when the wheels fell off Twetch, I realized I'd much rather have Bitcoin than any jpeg, and I'd rather earn that Bitcoin through something more productive than just flipping NFTs. Why not at least show off your twonks by using them for your profile photo? Does your leaf logo have some kind of special significance?
I notice you post a lot of memes that don't get any likes, even though they're pretty good. Believe me, we've all been there, it just seems like there could be better uses of our time. What do you think would happen if you quit Twitter and told your followers that you were only posting on Twetch? If we all ...
saved 203d
Now that's definitely adding some valuable info to the community. 😊I honestly didn't even know that females had antlers… so that's where I'm at 🤣
I was brainwashed by @24 into thinking that antlers were merely a costly signal that males used to attract mates, but that makes a lot of sense that the antlers help the females survive the winter. It seems the key element with antlers or feathers or any accessory for that matter, is that the timing needs to be right, but also that show-boating always has to be balanced with utility.
Is there a specific type of salt that you were referring to? Is sea salt sufficient, or do you have to buy special packets of electrolytes?
I don't own a single piece of wool clothing, but I will have to check out those brands you mentioned. I should probably invest in a nice down jacket, even though it rarely ever stays below freezing in Texas for more than 24 hours.
I noticed you didn't mention any weapons beside...
saved 207d
I like the idea of tipping every new user upon arrival, but we don't want to incentivize anyone to create multiple accounts. Is there something less intrusive than shoe-on-head verification that we could ask people to do or upload, that would add value and prevent double dipping at the same time? Branch and respond if anyone has a suggestion. If I like your idea, I'll probably give you some money.
saved 207d
Don't count your dinosaurs before they hatch. :) Do they all taste pretty much the same? Could you explain how raising ducks compares with chickens? Do they eat different things? Do ducks require more maintenance? Do their wings have to be clipped, or do they stick around voluntarily?
saved 207d
Hey @328 I know you're in Finland and it's really frickin' cold, but it would be nice to have more context about what's going on in your photos. Is this a lady reindeer? Are you going to eat it? Is it true that you were raised by wolves? Could you give some practical advice on how to survive -50C temps? Are there certain brands of shoes or clothing that you recommend? Types of survival gear that are essential? Do you talk to anyone about Bitcoin or Twetch up there?
saved 207d
Are you growing food? Or just sequoias? Are you planning to start a Bitcoin Park to compete with Yosemite? Let's make that happen.
saved 207d
What would that accomplish? We want as many quality people on this ride as possible. Once the rocket blasts off, that means we can't bring anyone else along for the ride. Time to start thinking about how we actually add value to the community without the price needing to move at all. The more you can buy and do with Bitcoin, the more valuable it is, regardless of the fiat exchange rate. You've already won the lottery with a two digit Twetch number. What more could you possibly want out of life?
saved 207d
Hey @102106 do you make all these memes yourself? Some are pretty clever, but it's kind of like preaching to the choir, don't you think?
Do you have any twonks? If not, why not? And would you like one?
Do you have anything to sell or trade for twonks or Bitcoin? If so, can you pin it as your top post?
Do you have a normal name that we can call you? Doesn't have to be your real name. It's just that Bitcrash kind of sounds depressing.
Are you comfortable sharing your general location, so we can get an idea of how far and wide the Bitcoin empire extends?
Is there a reason you need two links to your Twitter page?
We don't want to accidentally redirect anyone to that shithole. How do we rescue more BSV folks from Twitter and get them to try Twetch? Are memes getting the job done, or do we need to resort to more extreme measures like bribery?
saved 207d
Yes. This is the mentality we need. We're not desperately trying to get off this island. We have everything we need here. Our job is to turn the Bitcoin Universe into a paradise that no one will ever want to leave.
saved 207d
saved 207d
saved 211d
I can tell you who's NOT on Twetch. The CEO is busy congratulating Jack on his newfound retirement, while Relay users get the Palestinian treatment... Rekt and permanently exiled.
saved 211d
The best comedy routines always have to be explained first. 🤣
If you truly believe in accelerationism, you should be moving to a big city and getting on welfare, right? Make up your mind.
I don't see much of a future for cities either, but you wouldn't have your precious little cell phone and internet connection if cities didn't exist.
You're such an individualist chad that doesn't need anything from anyone, yet you can't stop emoting on Twetch it seems. Everyone likes attention and praise... including you. Some people get it by wearing a mask or dressing like the opposite sex. Some people get it by writing jokes. Some people get it by being a critical asshole like me. It's ok to want attention, but instead of larping as a comedian (which is about as gay as it gets), why not get it by sharing some practical knowledge about wilderness living or martial arts or whatever the fuck your expertise is in?
Tell us about the real Y. Are you too afrai...
saved 211d
Zero likes in two months. Nuff said. Maybe you could think about how to actually add value to the community instead of screeching about libtards and fantasizing about being a philosopher / comedian. If it doesn't hurt your ego, it's probably not the truth, remember?
saved 211d
Don't forget to place your bets folks… How many times will the CEO use Twetch this month?
saved 211d
Nevermind @1671 I jumped through the hoops and was surprisingly able to figure it out. Thanks to whoever created Panda Wallet for cleaning up Jack's mess.
saved 211d
@1671 could you give us an update if you have success. I'm sure a lot of us out here are having the same problem.