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saved 211d
Easy would be if Relay just fucking worked and let people withdraw their funds normally. How long until Panda Wallet shuts down? …Couple weeks? Couple months?
Could we just get at least one wallet that's not run by spooks and saboteurs, or people that will inevitably sell out to spooks and saboteurs? Fuck.
saved 211d
Obviously token holders are rekt, but have you had any luck getting Bitcoin off Relay? I just get a network error when trying to do anything on there.
saved 211d
saved 211d
Anyone have any advice for getting funds off Relay? Is it possible to just go one day in BSV without being mercilessly rugged?
saved 219d
Has anyone successfully transferred a twonk recently? @742 I keep getting a sigil error when I try.
saved 224d
Would you take a blue egg for the autograph? I paid 5 Bitcoin for mine, but the current floor is around 3.5.
saved 230d
Let's be real… 'Earned' = Amount of Twonks dumped on noobs before Twetch imploded. We're all partially complicit, but we need a better metric of success going forward… like how many new users someone has onboarded, or how high someone's Like : Post ratio is.
saved 230d
Fuck your Ordinals. You may as well sell your Twetch account to someone that'll actually use it. What a disgrace to abandon such valuable real estate.
saved 230d
Yeah, the window of opportunity closed a long time ago when the Twetch market imploded. 😂 Looks like someone had one too many glasses of kool-aid.
saved 230d
If we ever end up in a Chilean jail, we can call you for advice, right?
saved 230d
You're right. We don't have to wait around for anyone to bring about the world we want. It's up to us to make it happen. Do you have any products or services to offer in exchange for Bitcoin? Any areas of expertise?
saved 230d
Often imitated, never duplicated.
saved 230d
Is this your way of telling us the Twetch team has been paying you in salt this entire time? 🤔
saved 230d
Isn't it obvious by now that they don't give a shit? Ordinals is the priority now until that well dries up and they move on to plan C.
saved 238d
Can I interest you in a fronk? Do you have any other documentation for the signature? Like a photo from a conference or something?
saved 242d
The competition is heating up.
saved 242d
saved 242d
@272 Just as an example of the type of thing I had in mind... This is basically all I was looking for in terms of Fronktology membership requirements. I just want people to use their million dollar virtual real estate as efficiently as possible, so we can accelerate hyperbitcoinization. If we had 100 green Twetch monkeys all on the same page using Twetch regularly, and offering quality advice and products to each other, the new monkeys that arrive would start to imitate them and it should create a virtuous circle.
saved 242d
Would you be interested in selling this?
saved 242d
saved 242d
This was a nice idea. People can think what they want of Craig, but no one can question his work ethic. The man is a machine. Whether he's fighting with trolls on Twitter, or arguing with judges, or stomping on hard drives… he gives it 110%, and we appreciate that. 🙏
saved 245d
It would be kind of sad if no one replied, so I thought I should get the ball rolling… If I'm being perfectly honest, @272 you were one of the people I had muted for a while, because you branch a lot of shit that I would classify as 'noise.' (No offense, of course.)

I have no idea where you're from or what you do, but when everyone deserted Twetch, @272 was still holding down the fort and keeping this place alive… and that deserves respect. 🙏

That's the beauty of Twetch and Bitcoin... even people that know nothing about each other have a powerful incentive to work together and take each other's opinions into account. We all want Twetch to work flawlessly and we're sick of BTC sucking all the air (and investment) out of the room. Waiting around for Creg, Caal, Jek, or the Twetch team to save us isn't necessary. We already have everything we need if we are willing to seize it.
saved 245d
saved 245d
Funny how @6345 says Twetch is just his personal notebook, but he gets really upset about people using Twitter instead.
Twetch is not a dream journal for me, it's my personal rolodex of billionaires in-training. I only want the highest quality people here. The rest can stay on Twitter.
saved 245d
No one can serve two masters at once. Loyalty to the Twetch team and loyalty to Bitcoin are two completely separate things. One leads to enrichment of a few at the expense of bag holders. The other leads to enrichment of all, at the expense of no one.
BTC maxis understand loyalty. That's why they don't break ranks and fuck with other coins. It's time that we grow up and understand that NFTs are a zero sum game. Stop looking for greater fools to dump on, and start looking to add value NOW by advertising whatever products and services we have to offer.