Ahh, yeah. Electrum/electron asks you to share the extended key. I disagree because of the security issue with publicizing extended keys. Wish they did DH exchange per recipient.
New backend is live on TxStreet.com . No visual changes but now all data (except price) comes straight from my own dedicated full nodes. Probably will be buggy for a bit. Please test it!
Whoops, wait. Bug report. I used an emoji and it doesn't display on your site when the Memo guy announces it. Need to unicode and UTF-8 that data.
New backend is live on TxStreet.com . No visual changes but now all data (except price) comes straight from my own dedicated full nodes. Probably will be buggy for a bit. Please test it!
New backend is live on TxStreet.com . No visual changes but now all data (except price) comes straight from my own dedicated full nodes. Probably will be buggy for a bit. Please test it!
You have to ask Ryan X. Charles. I don't think it's abandoned. Just on a long hiatus.
I think I tagged him once asking for one but he didn't respond. Wish they would have at least done the old Gmail thing and give everyone a number of invites to hand out.
How to prevent multiple people using the same name?
First confirmed person wins.You can’t prevent it with a decentralized struct.Obviously whatever is submitting the registration will check for it.Only purposeful dupes will show up.
Storing torrents is not illegal, you can data share anything in the world. Uploading and downloading copyrighted material might be, but the users are responsible, not the medium.
It is illegal in most countries. But the bigger picture is, do we want the reputation of storing illegal content on our blockchain, or do we want to be a global payment system?
I'm going to plead to the community to NOT turn this into "the next pirate bay." We just got over the reputation that Bitcoin is scams and money for illegal goods.
Instead they are trying (quite successfully unfortunately) to infiltrate us from the inside and derail our efforts through companies such as Blockstream and nChain 2/2
Do we really want the added negative attention? Freedom is one thing; calling it the next pirate bay is just asking for trouble.
The Flu Vaccine does not give you the flu. Another thing that shouldn't have to be argued. This is fact. It's not an opinion.
Ha. Of course it “gives” you the flu. If it didn’t, then you wouldn’t develop immunity to the strain. It’s just weakened or dead so you don’t fully get ill.
@esthon @ 79b79aa8, here is my public key for 2 of 3 wallet. xpub661MyMwAqRbcEepZqJvJN8C1WyJ1C9YPpP85SMiPT7APimwYJ2f2r81eg7AYLG5H8rmuw64xYfZf8atuPtnHZPyxnXwjhvzkZi88D3tYf36
Be careful sharing your extended public key. If a child private key leaks someone can derive the parent extended private key.
"You stood on the shoulders of geniuses [...] and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox and now you’re selling it..."
Are you serious? Do you know what an API is? The point is I shouldn't have to figure out how a complex wallet /API implementation works & change it to BCH to build a simple service.
My misunderstanding. I was looking at your question from the server side, not the client.
Fivebucks is under attack and we have temporarily shut down the site for security reasons while we work to fix the root issues. Sellers' earnings are safe.
After you secure things, would you mind posting details?