
Joined Sep 04, 2018

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I am Jihan. Hello Memo!
replied 2276d
I do understand. It was not consensus among the 3 major clients. I'm all for checkpoints, but not in the manner this was implemented.
replied 2277d
Checkpoints aren’t the problem. Open source isn’t the problem. The way in which this particular checkpoint was implemented is the problem.
replied 2277d
You're putting your money behind mathematics, which are constant across the universe. That makes this experiment universally special 💚
replied 2277d
Neither. That's my conundrum.
replied 2277d
Wut? LOL SV cucks are really off the rails.
replied 2277d
There are no such uses. This is lunacy, theft, and fraud. The very basis of Bitcoin is holding the private key and an immutable ledger.
replied 2277d
Only if every client has the same set of rules. Right now, it appears BU/XT did not add the checkpoint. This alters consensus. Again, I'm all for it, we just need to be consistent.
replied 2277d
That's my issue with it. Checkpoints are fine, but if only one implementation does it then it may cause a split. Fix the protocol and propagation, not mess with consensus.
replied 2277d
The apparent profitability is because of the higher orphan rate. For that reason, it will always appear to be more profitable when it isn't.
replied 2278d
Simon Van Gelder
I’ve seen that, too! Fascinating!
replied 2278d
I just tried it with a new key I made, good job and I hope you teach people something
replied 2278d
Maybe I should create an About page to show the concept and math behind it. It's mind blowing that all of modern society is based on numbers so big you can't guess them.
replied 2278d
If I wasn't so embarrassed by the code I'd throw it on GitHub. It derives the private key based on the integer (1 to group order), then derives comp/uncomp pub keys.
replied 2278d
I derive the keys in real time. Not looking to steal funds though; there's a big red warning telling you not to use important keys.
replied 2278d
replied 2278d
That's ok. Just trying to help explain it. Ask any questions you'd like 👍
replied 2278d
Everything is public. You are misinformed or misunderstand how the software is distributed.
replied 2278d
I agree and would hope a mining outfit or exchange at least browses the commits before upgrading since so much money is on the line.
replied 2278d
You can't hide open source. The code, including checkpoints, are visible to every person on this planet including miners/exchanges. No such thing as hidden checkpoints 🤷‍♂️
replied 2278d
You can't hide things in open source. I just sent you the link to the code.
replied 2278d
All Bitcoin Cash private keys:
replied 2278d
Simon Van Gelder
Thank you for that info.
replied 2278d
If some hash power from SV is enough to put BCH under threat, then we have a tremendous problem. We need to attack test net in the lab to harden against that.