
Joined Sep 04, 2018

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replied 1829d
MIT. Won the RSA challenge. Had a crush on Allison. NSA project was re-classified after dark web involvement, which is where the private keys are.
replied 1829d
Spend it via a non-SLP wallet.
replied 1829d
Ask any VC: ideas are worthless. Implementation is everything. What's your idea?
replied 1831d
Cam girls sending thank yous ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
replied 1832d
I’m opposed to calling it “the real Bitcoin” because that’s subjective. Our blockchain has direct lineage to Satoshi’s genesis block like others. May the best one win #BCH
replied 1832d
replied 1832d
Playbch doesn't exist anymore.
replied 1836d
You should be checking the file you download against their GPG key.
replied 1836d
That method offers confidentiality (encryption) and authentication (tx schnorr sig + blockchain immutability) but not forward secrecy or deniability.
replied 1837d
In a naive scheme, sure. But in practice it's not a good idea.
replied 1838d
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
replied 1838d
I’m a cactus guy. Echinopsis pachanoi typically has spines from seed, not the spineless variant grown from cloning. Lots of counterfeit seeds, too.
replied 1838d
Roger ignored me, but I brought up the notion of having an “official” BCH green. Like we all agree on the RGB values for it.
What ever happened to play BCH? I remember it posting a lot at first.
replied 1839d
I'd love to find a decent Cherry MX Blue configured for Mac and using bluetooth. It's been many years since I've had the satisfying click.
replied 1840d
It's only 32 bits so it's prone to collision, but it's better than nothing. Like holding physical money up to the light to see a watermark. Not impossible to fake, but ok for most.
replied 1840d
The token should be identified by the ticker + hash. For example, if the ticker is SLP and the hash of the creation tx ends in a1b2c3d4, it should be identified as SLP#a1b2:c3d4.
replied 1842d
You can't. Your address is your identity.
replied 1843d
Someone sent me a smiley face token, but no one wants to buy one from me for 1 BCH each ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
replied 1843d
Mathematically speaking: Whataburger > In & Out.
replied 1843d
Example from your reply's tx: 76 (OP_DUP) a9 (OP_HASH160) 14 (size of 20 not shown) e7f0..df9d 88 (OP_EQUALVERIFY) ac (OP_CHECKSIG)
replied 1843d
If you look in the Memo block explorer it will print the op codes but not the PUSHDATA op codes. So you'll see OP_RETURN followed by the data instead of OP_RETURN + PUSHDATA + data.
replied 1844d
That sounds like “sovereign citizen” bullshit. Avoid the hassle and legal trouble. Just comply and fight it out in court. You might get $$ out of it instead of getting shot.
replied 1844d
“I don’t think about you at all.” -Don Draper
replied 1844d
“Why pay to shit post”. It costs 1/10th of 1 cent to shit post. It is definitely not a deterrent.