
Joined Sep 04, 2018

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replied 1846d
This is terrible advice. You’ll wind up in legal trouble, injured, or dead. You always comply with law enforcement, then let the courts decide if it was unjust.
replied 1846d
Sorry, PUSHDATA1. Data is broken up by the size of the integer representing the data length.
replied 1846d
6a = OP_RETURN, 02 = push 2 bytes, 6d02 = the pushed data, 4c = OP_PUSHDATA4, 83 = push 131 bytes, then the bytes. All BCH inputs/outputs follow a special language.
replied 1847d
An array is not a substitute for a backup.
replied 1848d
Me too. I made the switch a while ago. Wish Apple would make it default.
replied 1849d
Everyone. But I really need to use Activity for the filtering.
replied 1850d
Each post you make is a contribution to BCH miners. Thank you!
replied 1850d
He would re-license open tech with a new limited license and then charge for already free data.
replied 1851d
Yes yes yes!
replied 1851d
Sainath Reddy
Don't forget
replied 1851d
Hah. That's called a group text.
replied 1852d
Right. For example, if you trust the @memo account and they trust me, you can likely also trust that I'm really me. But the whole system depends on honest first-hand knowledge.
replied 1854d
I’ve had almost an entire bottle of 🍷 and that makes the cheese posts even more funny 😂😂🤤
replied 1854d
I've asked many times for someone to link to a transaction on the blockchain from this service. Do you have any example transactions using their escrow script?
replied 1854d
It's more accurate to say semi-anonymous. Cash shuffle doesn't provide anonymity so much as it provides deniability. Whomever spends shuffled coins may or may not be the your target.
replied 1855d
I have a specification for that but have been far too busy to implement it.
replied 1855d
I appreciate you sharing your experience.
replied 1855d
In the case of a dispute, does the arbitrator simply release the BCH to the buyer if the seller does not?
replied 1855d
If the BCH is escrowed on the blockchain, where is the fiat escrowed?
replied 1855d
How is that any different than approaching a random person on the internet? Without escrow, what will protect both the buyer and seller?
replied 1856d
In 1995.... "hey, we'll probably run out of IPv4 addresses with all this growth...why even waste time on this internet thing since it won't scale?"
replied 1857d
Are you using the reference implementation in Go?
replied 1857d
Stencil? Or tape it off first?
replied 1857d
And browsers support desktop notifications, too.
replied 1858d
That was one example of having direct knowledge. There are many, many ways to establish decentralized trust.