
Joined Sep 04, 2018

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sent · 546 sats 2235d
Testing the new send feature!
replied 2236d
Posting information to the blockchain. You should read up on some of the spy fails (like, real intelligence/counterintelligence). Fascinating how they get caught by the simplest things
replied 2236d
Even with a mixing service, the target put coins in and received coins out. That’s enough to flag it as probable. Not looking for a smoking gun, just a correlation to lead you there.
replied 2237d
Far too easy to track on the blockchain.
replied 2239d
ASIC Boost
replied 2239d
Think about it: no matter what security is present, every one of your posts is on my hard drive. You’re literally writing data to my computer.
replied 2239d
Ignoring users or topics doesn’t cut down the users for me since I’m not interested in what I’m ignoring anyway. Political diatribes = 🤮
replied 2239d
Whenever privacy and/or security is desired 😁
replied 2240d
We need an ignore person/topic feature. I'm here to talk tech and crypto but see very little of it.
replied 2240d
You should tell them that. Also, use a VPN before TOR while sending random data in/out to prevent correlation between a monitored connection & TOR exit node.
replied 2240d
replied 2245d
That’s the part of the code that sends the password as MD5.
replied 2246d
replied 2257d
You have to notify your bank ahead of time because they may not have that much cash on hand.
replied 2267d
CPE 1704 TKS
replied 2271d
Tried to sign up and never heard back.
replied 2271d
replied 2271d
I can't even get an account 😕
replied 2272d
Wire has known security flaws and it's centralized. What are we gaining by using this?
replied 2272d
replied 2272d
"SV" is capitalist. "sv" is lowercasist. "Sv" is a melting pot of cases.
replied 2272d
That's a problem for me. Someone alluded to them simply re-packaging an existing centralized messaging service.
replied 2272d
Every time you spam this I'm going to ask, again and again, for information about your protocol.