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saved 1345d
Coffee is going to be tough... but I may just give it a try. Gonna have to have Alexa stop brewing it automatically in the morning haha.
saved 1345d
Added it to my watch list. Ill check it out. Any other health stuff you have seen or recommend, let me know! I was pretty interested in the state of Ketosis after watching Joe Rogan talk about it... its just so damn expensive to eat that way.
saved 1345d
I started with one and got talked out of it. Though it really doesn't bother me if I go up or down... so Ill add it back!
saved 1345d
Thats what fits into my tumbler! Is that too much? Maybe I could cut back....
saved 1345d
Thanks for the shout out. Having ppl follow along and interact is a huge help!
saved 1346d
Day 8:

- Really liking the book "Rich dad, poor dad".
- Started small on the exercise as well.
- Getting close to being fully moved into my house.

- Comments, Questions, Branches, Likes, and Follows are welcome 😉
saved 1346d
If I made say a dozen or so on Sunday, Would I peel them all and they would stay good all week? Or leave them in the shell and peel them as I use them?
saved 1347d
Thanks, Books are something I really have gotten into lately. And the water (Thanks to your suggestion) was improved pretty easily. I actually bought a bottle that glows and will ping my phone if I am falling behind. It basically gamifys drinking water!
saved 1347d
Not really.. I want to start meal prepping, 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Just haven't taken the time to set it up yet. Thanks for the advice on the eggs! I really like HB eggs, but hate when they get like that!
saved 1347d
Day 7:

New format today. This allows me to add things as I progress without the character limit on posts. Questions and comments are welcome. Going to push for small changes this week. Thanks as always for following along!
saved 1347d
Thanks for this! I realized I never posted this morning. Had a long day yesterday. Ill be back on track posting same time tomorrow. Ill also be posting a new format!
saved 1347d
Day 6:

Tabc/MJ/Alch/Energy: None

Food: 4 Coffee, Sausage, Egg, White American Cheese on English Muffin. 1/2 Begal, Pepperoni, Egg, Cheese, Jam, Peppers. 4 Chicken Tenders, Fries, Popcorn, Chicken Parm.

TV: None

Worked a long day

New format tomorrow
saved 1348d
saved 1349d
Thats a great idea. Maybe even combine TV and Screen time.
saved 1349d
Day, Date, Prev. Bed Time, Before Sleep Mood, Wake Time, Amount of Time Asleep, Wake Mood, Water (oz), Tabacco, Marijuana, Energy Drinks, Alcohol, Coffee, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Exercise, TV Time..

Anything else I should track?
saved 1349d
Thank you for the advice! I have done a good job limiting it. I just recently fell off a little. But I haven't actually spent money on it in close to a year! Just being with ppl who offer. Saving is a key benefit for sure though! It used to be bad..
saved 1349d
Weight loss isn't the main goal. Just trying to change my path in general. The way I was headed wasn't going to have a good outcome. My biggest change so far is my mindset. I am going to change the format I post starting next week. More info. Clearer path.
saved 1349d
Day 5:

Tobacco, MJ, Alcohol: N,Y,N
Breakfast : HLTHCode Pack, Coffee, Monster (12oz)
Lunch: Chicken Parm Sandwich, Noodles, Ham and Che
Dinner: 7 Taquitos, Popcorn, 5 gls Water

Got a little back on track after Thursday. No alcohol on a Friday!?! Wha...
saved 1349d
/pay @612 $20
saved 1350d
No no no no, I am fine. Thank you!
saved 1350d
Im starting to think energy drinks will be the hardest. (Honestly I want to go get one from the lunch room right now)

Ive read a few books about keto. I don't see it being a viable option as one screw up, you lose ketosis.

Butter thing is interesting...
saved 1350d
Yes. I bought this thing so I could track it without thinking about it. It was expensive, but will make it easier on me I hope. I have never been good about water consumption.
saved 1350d
Day 4:

Tobacco, MJ, Alcohol, Energy: Y,Y,Y,Y 😔
TV: No
Breakfast : PB Toast, Coffee
Lunch: Noodles, Ham & Che Sandwich, Monster 16oz
Dinner: 12 Wings, Fries, 14 Beers.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road…Unless you fail to make the turn. -HK
saved 1351d
saved 1351d
This is a great idea!