Jason Chavannes

Joined Apr 09, 2018


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Bitcoin Cash 90 day 💪 workout plan:

Send $90 of #BitcoinCash to a trusted loved one. Everyday you make it to the gym, send them a selfie w/ a receiving address. Earn your BCH back daily + onboard a new user🏋️
replied 1940d
Thanks for commenting on my actual question btw.
replied 1940d
Yes, the most straightforward approach to solving that would be to code it up across the full node clients so that they don't have to apply it manually.
Q: If enforcing the 1sat/byte minfee is generally now to protect against open doublespends, why don't miners just make a rule to delay 0-fee txs by at least N blocks (N >= 1) as a rule, either informal or coded up?
replied 1958d
Let me go check, I’ll get back to you... 🤪
1959d · Memes
One of my all-time favorites 🤣😜
replied 1960d
My sister got me one! I untied the manipulations of wire from that tree and now it stands tall
replied 1960d
Wait, there's no Dad Jokes Topic? Quick, make it!
1963d · Favorite Quotes
"Rules are for the guidance of the wise and obedience of fools" - Solon, Greek Lawmaker c. 630 – c. 560 BC)
replied 1962d
www.cashaddress.org for those interested, and for extra protection make sure to save the .html file and run locally, with no internet connection...
Printing another round of paper wallets (double-sided on linen paper, looks and feels authentic!) to have on hand whenever the conversation goes that way, bam! blow your mind ;)
Time for another change of topic for my next Monday Memo. Maybe something to do with recreation. Yes, that'll do.

If you're into hiking like I am, try taking new paths or trails from time to time.
1964d · Favorite Quotes
"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere" - Carl Sagan
replied 1966d
Donnie Darko, very underrated but an awesome movie, one of my favorites!
Always a classic ;) https://i.imgur.com/r0B5lrP.gifv