Jason Chavannes

Joined Apr 09, 2018


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replied 1967d
I remember the song Follow me - a masterpiece of my youth.
Georg Engelmann
1966d · Ideas to improve our lives
Review your contracts (internet, phone, electricity, gas, insurance, etc.) #saving #money
Hopefully the earth won’t be like this when money becomes nonexistent.
Interestingly, Magic The Gathering is the most complex game for #AI. Read the full article on my tweet link and share it:

My current collection of Bitcoin Cash tokens.

replied 1967d
Schnitzel is the wurst!
1967d · 🔥SLPTorch🔥
According to your criteria;
Who should be the next to receive it?
1973d · CryptoQuotes
Security is a process, not a product. — Bruce Schneier
1969d · CryptoQuotes
If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy. — Philip Zimmermann
1967d · CryptoQuotes
Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin. — John von Neumann
1967d · Photography
Contributing to topics: My Arc-Eyed Hawk Fish on the lurk, posted up in some Montipora coral...
1967d · Favorite Quotes
“To give us room to explore the varieties of mind and body into which our genome can evolve, one planet is not enough.” FREEMAN DYSON
replied 1967d
love this one. the build up is so long!
1967d · Favorite Quotes
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt controlled, lest Rome become bankrupt.” Marcus Cicero, 55 BC
1967d · Favorite Quotes
“People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt." Marcus Cicero, 55 BC
1972d · Favorite Quotes
"We are only temporary custodians of the particles we are made of" -Stephen Hawking