Chicago native in Tokyo. Technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism are satanic systems to turn you into a domesticated animal that's easy to slaughter. THX 1138
stability!=state. third world rushing to europe because of free tax money. european rulers needs instability to increase there power.
more instability>more rules > more power >more tax
That's the irony of course. People fleeing instability aren't going to get it. But the places they come from are not stateless. Those are places that have no checks on state power.
So nobody ever saw a burning space shuttle yet everybody believes the narrative.
#faith #dogma #pseudoscience #propaganda
Dude you can go watch the launches with your own two eyes. Of course you're so deep in your Cartesian delusion that you probably wouldn't even believe your own eyes so it don't matter.
The guy: On the outside of the thermal shield it is 1500 degrees, and on the other side it is just about room temperature. What is he smoking? @_opreturn
Lol, do you not own an oven? You need some videos of dudes pouring cast iron? Go take high school physics and get back to us.
Yeah, great, I need this for my house in the summer. Then I don't need air conditioning.
#snakeoil @_opreturn
By the way, have you ever seen a burning space shuttle come down?
I haven't seen it but I did hear a sonic boom in Florida when I was a kid when one was landing.
Actually ABC does have larger blocks on the roadmap. Bigger blocks dont make more transactions happen. It makes more possible. You need adoption to really increase the blocksize.
Blockstream has a solution for lightning routing "on the roadmap" too. Will you be forking off if "Bitcoin" cash remains at 32mb on the next non-emergency mandatory update?
Codebase is the same. Limit is 500x over the demand. Certainly enough until next year. About millions tx/day, from where, who do you think is so eager to use the blockchain?
Remember that you're using the future uncensorable twitter? There's a few tens of millions+ of txns/day more. Need I go on? How do you expect miners to pay their bills with no volume?
Codebase is the same. Limit is 500x over the demand. Certainly enough until next year. About millions tx/day, from where, who do you think is so eager to use the blockchain?
Fincen companies need secure ledgers, right now that mission critical infrastructure is very expensive to maintain. SV can do it 2 orders of magnitude cheaper.
Codebase is the same. Limit is 500x over the demand. Certainly enough until next year. About millions tx/day, from where, who do you think is so eager to use the blockchain?
My buddy works for a medical robot company that wants to use a blockchain for secure diagnostic sharing globally, the fastest/cheapest way will of course be op_return txns on SV.
Codebase is the same. Limit is 500x over the demand. Certainly enough until next year. About millions tx/day, from where, who do you think is so eager to use the blockchain?
There's a guy here in Tokyo who is putting all land registries on the planet into the blockchain and using a searchable database that's quicker and easier than any government's.
Satoshis Vision is itself just a meaningless slogan. CSW pretends he is Satoshi. People crying about bi blocks vs small blocks, and pretending this is another of those.
ABC doesn't look like it's getting bigger blocks anytime soon. Also the REASON for bigger blocks is very important. SV wants millions/day more txns on chain as soon as possible.
Don’t wait too long. The true Bitcoin (SV) is taking off up 75% today. NOTE also: BSV was still moving UP as BTC and others were dropping. Very bullish.
For sure, I'm going as fast as the damned dinosaur banking system will send my money lol
Sounds nice, but it doesnt. People pretend it is all about the white paper, but it isn't. He just used what seemed like nice slogans to pull in the gullable.
Omg seriously guys...
Memo has turned into a ABC vs. SV shithole for weeks now. Stop this stupidity already. This crap has completely wrecked my daily newsfeed and the BCH community. Grow the fuck up & move on!
You're the guy who wants to talk about golf at the Super Bowl lol, I can dig the sentiment though.
I'm surprised that Coingeek has sustained over 51% of the hash since the fork. That us a pretty long time to not voluntarily scale it back in order to not be centralised.
Wait until it's the most profitable 256 coin to mine. If it's still 51%+ coingeek then your complaint will be valid.
Honestly I really don't care. I will hold both coins from the split. Both coins will be fast, cheap, and reliable. I favor BCH because CSW is a douche. I could careless about the tech
So you're not going away if ABC dies/admits defeat?
They let Core win. They really don’t know what they are doing. What is common knowledge for us eludes them. But I’m happy they don’t get it. Let’s me load up on SV.
The BCH split was a double whammy because letting Core win sabotaged the main chain and simultaneously gave them command of the opposition, until now.