
Joined May 08, 2018

I am a human being and I am interested in human beings.

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I just took a look at my ABC.memo.cash and SV.memo.cash sites. The last time I looked 9 days ago, I had the same notifications. This time I count 27 on the ABC side, 23 on the SV side.
2214d · Bitcoin Cash
Anything But Craig coiners mistakenly believe that proof-of-exchange = Nakamoto Consensus. Might as well go back to core. This is NOT about personalities. It's about US.
I bet that BCH will be over 85% crypto market cap by 12/31/2022. JP says that it will not. The loser must treat the winner to a vacation of his choice. If JP makes over $500K from crypto, he will pay for a week in CO.
Dear Jihan, CSW, Roger etc. If you are a BCH lover, why not use memo?
2237d · News
2238d · Capitalism
The left cannot answer the Resource Management Problem (prices/central planning/resource based economy) and the right cannot answer the RMP (externalities/enivronment/Piketty).
2238d · Capitalism
I don't want to spout some centrist bullshit posturing, but rather that if both sides (left v right) continue to argue as if they have the ultimate answer to life, it's not going to end well.
2238d · Capitalism
So far the only conclusion I can make is that as humans we do not fully understand ourselves enough to say that one system is the best system. We should be more careful students of history.
2238d · Capitalism
Who are the fucking capitalists? Who are the proletariat? What about a worker who owns stocks or a pensioner with commercial property? What about inventors who go on to become corporate tycoons?
2238d · Bitcoin Cash
A classic misunderstandings from CEO of Abra wallet. Bitcoin is not a software.
2238d · Capitalism
Ah, but one might learn a little more about oneself and others, and how we ourselves sling mud at our faces. That is surely the best of lessons.
2238d · Capitalism
I don't trust the "best thinkers". I believe in this primordial goop of ideas and conflicts a new system will arise. Our agreements and disagreements must provoke even more thought & emotions.
2238d · Capitalism
Hi everyone! There is no rational reason to believe that a complete answer to economics have been found already. If we use our imaginations, perhaps we can synthesize the disaprate elements.
Yours is evolving.

As users realize that begging is not paying out, they are starting to provide actual content. I loved the Venezuelan AMA post. There is also several Eat BCH competitors. Good!

2239d · News
2240d · Games
I played Civilzations 3, 4, & 5. I think I liked 3 and 5 more than 4. 3 and 5 are harder to compare because they are quite different in time and situation.
2242d · Bitcoin Cash
One of the best talks about "Digital Gold" from Jerry Cahn of SBI
2244d · Yours.org
2245d · 주식과경제
하루새 공매도 10배 #JYP엔터…해명 나선 증권사 연구원 24일 공매도 폭증에 "증권사 리포트가 원인" 소문 해당 연구원 "보수적 추정 노력일 뿐…
2245d · 주식과경제
코스피가 26일 2000선 붕괴 위기까지 몰리며 출렁이자, 코스피 '공포지수'가 9개월여 만에 최고 수준으로 올랐다. 이날 오후 3시 3분 현재 코스..
2245d · 주식과경제
외인·기관이 던진 코스피, 장중 2010선 추락

2.43% 내려 1년11개월만에 다시 연저점…시총 10대그룹 중 현대차만 선방

26일 코스피가 외국인과....
2245d · Bitcoin Cash
The one where Tone Vays gets REKT
I love this lmao the chicken was so startled.

2247d · US Politics/Trump
2247d · US Politics/Trump