
Joined May 08, 2018

I am a human being and I am interested in human beings.

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2327d · US Politics/Trump
2327d · US Politics/Trump
2327d · US Politics/Trump
2327d · Korea
http://biz.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/10/22/2018102201893.html [국감 2018] 이주열 "韓日 통화 스와프 재개 가능…여건 성숙은 아직"
2327d · Korea
https://news.joins.com/article/23017655 일본 장기금리는 4일 미국 채권 하락과 뉴욕 증시 강세 여파로 0.150%까지 치솟아 1년8개월 만에 최고 수준을 기록했다.
2327d · Korea
https://news.joins.com/article/23049284 외국인 자금 두 달째 채권시장 순유출 … ‘코리아 엑소더스’ 오나
2327d · Korea
http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2018/10/23/0200000000AKR20181023082400002 < 산은, 국내 최초 '사회적채권' 3천억원 규모로 발행 >
2327d · Bitcoin Cash
I loled 2 @
2327d · Bitcoin Cash
I loled @
2327d · Bitcoin Cash
I loled
2334d · Stocks to buy with your BCH. FAANG.
Isn't the stock market in a bubble? I mean, I have an open mind, but did the economy really grow by 200% in the last few years? Where is all that money?
2334d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Full videos are the best. Kanye is very excited and using this opportunity to plug some products and ides, and push for Larry Hoover
2334d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
2336d · Korea
Donald Trump Says South Korea Does ‘Nothing Without Our Approval’ and Won't Lift Sanctions on North Korea
2337d · Bitcoin Cash
How bad is Tether and that risk? How exposed is Bitcoin Cash? Where do we go from here?
2337d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
"... no tax on labor." No income tax for workers up to a $100K? That is absolutely an election winner.
2337d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
"I am not a massive fan of the tax plan..."
2337d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
If someone wants to talk about this interview, that would be awesome.
2338d · US Politics/Trump
Mark Blyth is a British professor of international political economy at Brown University. Interesting commentary about racism and the alt-right.
2340d · Bitcoin Cash
Max Keiser Calls Bitcoin Cash a Hostile Takeover of Bitcoin. Steve Beauregard of Bloq.com Says BTC Not Good For Transactions, BCH is.
2340d · Bitcoin Cash
<The One Where Max Keiser Calls Bitcoin Cash a Hostile Takeover of Bitcoin & Gets Rekt>
2340d · US Politics/Trump
Former Trump EPA advisor says there is "nothing" the scientists could say to make the Trump Administration take Climate Change more seriously.
My biggest concern for Bitcoin Cash, my nightmare even, is that Core decides to raise blocksize to something still unreasonable (like 8MB) but enough to kill BCH.
I love my girlfriend and I hope to be with her forever. It's a lot to ask of a girl and a guy, but maybe such a simulation of permanence is possible in this impermanent universe. This is my message to you, Michelle.
I have to admit this to the blockchain, and I am going to break several rules.

I shitposted on 4chan all day today.