
Protocol uses P2PKH addresses. Actions are saved using OP_RETURN.

Message data is UTF-8 encoded. For example, this action would set your name to "memo":

OP_RETURN 6d01 6d656d6f

Action Codes

Action Prefix Values Status Example
Set name 0x6d01 name(217) Implemented Block Explorer
Post memo 0x6d02 message(217) Implemented Block Explorer
Reply to memo 0x6d03 txhash(32), message(184) Implemented Block Explorer
Like / tip memo 0x6d04 txhash(32) Implemented Block Explorer
Set profile text 0x6d05 message(217) Implemented Block Explorer
Follow user 0x6d06 address(20) Implemented Block Explorer
Unfollow user 0x6d07 address(20) Implemented Block Explorer
Set profile picture 0x6d0a url(217) Implemented Block Explorer
Repost memo 0x6d0b txhash(32), message(184) Planned -
Post topic message 0x6d0c topic_name(variable), message(214 - topic length) Implemented Block Explorer
Topic follow 0x6d0d topic_name(variable) Implemented Block Explorer
Topic unfollow 0x6d0e topic_name(variable) Implemented Block Explorer
Create poll 0x6d10 poll_type(1), option_count(1), question(209) Implemented Block Explorer
Add poll option 0x6d13 poll_txhash(32), option(184) Implemented Block Explorer
Poll vote 0x6d14 poll_txhash(32), comment(184) Implemented Block Explorer
Mute user 0x6d16 address(20) Implemented Block Explorer
Unmute user 0x6d17 address(20) Implemented Block Explorer
Send money 0x6d24 address(20) message(194) Implemented Block Explorer
Sell tokens
<prefix: 0x6d30> (2 bytes)
Implemented Block Explorer
Token buy offer
<prefix: 0x6d31> (2 bytes)
<list_sale_hash> (30 bytes)
Implemented Block Explorer
Attach token sale signature
<prefix: 0x6d32> (2 bytes)
<sale_offer_hash> (30 bytes)
<signature_1> (72 bytes)
<input/output_n> (72 bytes)
Implemented Block Explorer
Pin token post 0x6d35
<prefix: 0x6d35> (2 bytes)
<post_tx_hash> (30 bytes)
<token_utxo_hash> (30 bytes)
<token_utxo_index> (1 byte)

Additional actions being considered:

  • Tagging users in posts
  • Issue and revoke delegated addresses
  • Dislike and/or flag posts/users

Note: Actions that have not been implemented are subject to change.